Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Get a life. Then keep it.

Hey, Life. Remember me? The kid with the red hair? The kid who loves Apple Cinnamon Cheerios and That 70's Show? The kid who used to spend game night with her friends, shooting pool and playing ping-pong and listening to some tunes? The kid who had to sacrifice you, Life, and all that (except the hair, of course) to focus on mountains upon mountains of schoolwork?
Oh wait. I never did that. Must've been some other kid. Whoops.
That would be me, though, if I decided to take a 17-hour courseload next semester. Well, I assume that would be me. I have, however, opted out of that sad socially-lacking life. Instead, I have chosen a comfortable route of 14 hours, plus a job. Also, at the moment, I plan on allocating those three hours of now-free-time to clubs on campus - namely the Free Hugs Club. Today marks the first informal meeting of the Free Hugs Club - we will advance on the sign-making frontier in preparation for our first Hug-A-Thon! Onward, brave and noble huggers!
It's all so exciting. We've decided to have the Hug-A-Thon on the Monday before Thanksgiving as a kind of unwinding from the reservoir of tests everyone has recently waded through. Maybe we'll make someone's day brighter... maybe not. It's really their choice whether they take advantage of the free hugs or not. Anyway, the Hug-A-Thon is Monday, November 20th from 11 a.m. until the last hugger leaves. We'll be in the West Mall (you know, where every other club at UT camps out). So indeed, I hope to see some of you out there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, you don't wanna be like me, with 17hrs and a 20hr job. It's no fun =/

11:42 PM  

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