Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Don't mock me.

Because I did quite well in my mock interview today.
Beforehand, I nervously wrung my hands, paced back and forth like a caged lion, and furiously wiped the sweat from my brow time and time again.
Not really. I was fairly nervous, but then I realized that it was just a mock interview - I probably wouldn't be asked any job/industry-specific questions unless my interviewer just so happened to know quite a bit about Amgen (which would be extremely coincidental considering most college business students have hardly even heard of this, the world's leading biotech industry). And those are the kind of questions that I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for just yet.
Overall, though, I think I did pretty well. I still need to work on my STAR skillz. Yes... "skillz". Sure, I can handle the "Tell me about yourself" and the "Why did you decide to apply for this position?", but the STAR questions get me. Note to self: practice makes perfect. Or at least makes a perfectionist think it's perfect.
Perfect is a funny word.
On a happier note, this is my "off" week. By "off", I don't mean "off my rocker" (though some may argue that it certainly would apply); I mean, this is my week without tests. Without many perpetual hours of studying, without struggling to focus on mutagens while the sounds of DDR pounded through the dorm walls, without trying to combat the constant distraction of my fish tank (hey, when you concentrate too hard for too long, anything can distract you).
But you already knew that.
Ok, I'm starting to get side-tracked by the movie my friends are watching. "Deconstructing Harry"? Eh, I guess I'll watch it and see if it's any good. I'm not a huge Woody Allen fan, but maybe... just maybe.
Farewell for now. For those of you who have yet to go to your mock interview (or those have a regular interview in the near future), I wish you luck. Just don't forget to breathe.


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