Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Umbrellas are not my friends.

Okay - if you hate rain, raise your hand...

I'm not going to raise my hand. I actually enjoy rain as long as it's not accompanied by freezing cold gusts of wind. However, what I do not like are umbrellas. Well, not so much umbrellas as the people who use them. Storytime!

So, Genetics lets out right at 9:50 a.m. instead of a few minutes early, like usual. Of course, between classes the UTC escalators are jammed with people - which actually isn't relevant, so I'm sorry I just wasted your time. Stepping off the escalator, I am immediately swept along in a wave of people in the general direction of Jester; that is, until I'm suddenly forced aside into the light rain by all of the umbrella-carrying patrons of the university. Granted, this time it was only a light rain, but what if it was a thunderstorm?! The umbrella people didn't care that I was huddled inside a hoodie, desperately trying to escape the unforgiving water pelting me across the face - they continued to walk underneath the eaves of the buildings with their umbrellas, forcing me to skirt them and brave the weather with no defense to speak of. It's cruel, really. Inhumane!

So please, please! If you have an umbrella, and you are about to cross paths with an umbrella-less soul, please show some courtesy and step kindly out of their way. Mmkthanks.

Note: I'm sure there were some kind-hearted umbrella-carrying citizens out today; I just didn't happen to run into them. Also, the intensity of the events described in this post were hyperbolized, as is much of my life.


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