Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Svelto, Robin! Alla caverna del pipistrello!

Okay, so I think that's how Batman would say it in Italian. But I could be wrong.
Riddle me this: what's the worst thing that could happen after your most nerve-racking, sleep-deprived week of college? Some might say being scheduled to work all weekend. Some might say being stuck in your dorm while all of your friends are out of town for the weekend. Some might say just barely missing out on free tickets from BOB FM for the Rolling Stones concert.
Just to clarify: none of this actually happened to me. If it happened to you, I am deeply sorry for your loss; Rolling Stones tickets would have been priceless. Fortunately, I had a very nice weekend. My parents came to visit and beat the rush before Parents' Weekend; I spent eight blissful hours with them, remembering what it was like not to pay for my groceries and clothing. Because the day was rather exciting (in my book, anyway), I'm going to share:
11:00 a.m. Mom and Dad pick me up from San Jac. Thanks to our collective indecisiveness, we figured we'd just hit the Hula Hut for lunch.
11:30 a.m. We finally arrive at the Hula Hut. Yes, we could have been there 20 minutes earlier, but someone didn't trust my navigation skills (but I still love you, Mom).
1:00 p.m. Watched "The Departed". Excellent movie, by the way. BA 101H showed some clips of the film during class last last Monday, and I was intrigued. Plus, it was probably one of the only movies in theaters that my dad would have enjoyed.
3:30 to 5:30? p.m. Shopping!!! I seriously felt like I had won the lottery with my parents in town; I even have some decent groceries, now. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, anyone?
5:30-6:30 p.m. Looked for a Sonic. The only two any of us knew about were closed down. Austin is such a confusing city, sometimes.
Then, some other unexciting stuff happened. They brought my bike up, so now I have a speedier way to get to work! Well, except for the fact that my gears are messed up. Hmm. How much is that going to cost, and is it worth it?
Also, I have my violin, now... never thought an instrument could make me so happy. But really, it's almost like having a piece of my hometown with me all the time, now. Playing brings back so many memories - I'm seriously considering joining a group on campus. Of course, before I can do that, I need to work on my time management skills. They're poorly out of shape, and without those skills, I'll just be even more stressed which will eventually lead to the yanking out of each and every last hair on my head and quite possibly reducing my stress ball to a mere fleck of foam. I mean, seriously... I'm writing this at 1:04 a.m. Where's the time management in that?
Alas, although my exams and all went well last week (B in Bio, A in Psych), the impending registration has clogged up my mind. As of now, I would like to sign up for: BA 324H, MIS 301, PSY 304, and ITL 507. Fourteen hours - not bad, right? About average, and if I'm going to keep working next sememster, I'm going to need a manageable school schedule (Ha! There! See?! Time management is already preparing me for the future semester! Go Team Time Management!) Plus, after talking to my advisor, these classes (specifically BA 324H and MIS 301) should help me in my decision to stay in Business or not. Even if I don't, those classes will probably still count as non-major courses toward my degree in Psych. All is well in the Land of Spring '07. Or at least I'm assuming so.
All right, well there's a bug on my fishtank, and it's just begging to be caught and relocated to the trash room, so I bid you: "So long! Farewell! Auf Wiedersehen! Good night!"


Blogger Mashaal said...

many might disagree but ba324h was seriously the most useful class i've taken to date.

7:46 PM  

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