Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, September 25, 2006

They said it would happen.

Almost everyone I talked to before coming to UT - friends, college grads, future professors, OAs, etc. - made it very clear that a lot of people end up changing their major at least once before they settle on a decision.
Well, I thought I wanted to major in Business. I thought I wanted to merge into the corporate world or use some mad entrepreneurial skills and start a small business.
I think I thought wrong.
In BA 101, speakers/professors from the specific majors within the business school have come to the past couple of classes and introduced us to the career paths we might be following if we decide to major in, say, finance or accounting or MIS or IB. So on and so forth. But sitting there, taking in exactly what these majors are all about made me realize how uninterested I am in following any career path of the like. Then I thought about my other classes; and I love genetics, and (after reading the assigned chapters) I'm certainly growing to love psychology even more than I already do. I'm already planning on double-majoring in psychology; that is, if I continue with business.
Should I stay with business?
Should I consider biology?
Should I go for a BS instead of a BA in psychology?
I'm not going to make any definite decisions now - I'm hardly a month into my freshman year. There's no need to be rash right now.
Oh, by the way: I started at Tiff's Treats yesterday. Enthusiasm all around!


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