Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Amazing Remedial Powers of Office Hours

Attending my professors' office hours is apparently essential to my success as a student. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way: a C and quite a few B's have opened my eyes. Now, I know B's aren't bad, but I'm an overachiever. I want those A's. And it's so frustrating that I take the tests and I'm "positive" that I knew the answers to almost every question - only one or two questions make me hesitate. Yet I get my grades back and - what do you know? - I got an 86 or a 79 or a 88. Obviously, I got more than one or two questions wrong. So what do I do? I up the studying. More time, more focus, more everything. Still, a B on the test. Now, I'm at an impasse. I think there is absolutely nothing left for me to do. There is no way I can get above a B.
And then the clouds parted, and the light shined gloriously upon me: I had yet to attend office hours of my professors.
Not really, but you get my drift.
I went to my economics professor's office hours today, and I asked about everything that I didn't completely understand. Now, I am so much more confident about taking my test next week.
Of course, I guess I won't really know if the office hours helped or not until I get my test grade back.
In related news, I have four midterms next week. Count 'em: FOUR. Economics? Check. Italian? Check. Psychology? Check. And Genetics? Check.
Denise's Social Life for the Next 10 Days = Non-existent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four midterms next week? Is your math deficient? Wasn't midterm a couple of weeks ago?

1:22 PM  

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