Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The end of the beginning


Ahem. Okay, now that's out of my system.

This is the end of my beginning. My first year of college is almost over. If you're reading this, you've probably been a part of all of this insanity somehow - whether you were in the same classes as me, had the same traumatic experiences throughout the year, stood by me through the wind and rain, or just kept up with a college kid's life by reading their blog.

It's been an interesting year, to say the least. Being in college makes me realize exactly how easy we had it back in high school - having a few calculus problems every night and studying for maybe two or three hours a week for those big tests seems like an education paradise right now. Sure, in college you only attend class 12, maybe 15 hours a week. But the study time! Whoa. And now that finals have reared their ugly heads, it's a nearly non-stop study fest here on campus. I get so jealous every time I actually leave my dorm this week, because I see all these kids packing boxes into their parents' cars and driving away from the university and from classes and from finals. And I'm stuck here until Monday. I won't be the last person on campus by any means, but I'd still like to be done. Not to mention that it's almost HARDER to study this week - the kids that are done with finals are partying or relaxing and not taking heed of the quiet hours whatsoever. I was trying to sleep last night (because in my opinion, true all-nighters are pointless; without some shut-eye, I'm useless). 3:30 a.m. and there are people screaming in the hallways, there are TVs with the volume turned way up, and through the vents I hear a girl and a guy playfully arguing because the girl is afraid of heights and the guy won't put her down. All at 3:30 a.m. Thank you, RAs, for enforcing quiet hours and the no overnight guests rule DURING FINALS WEEK. Thank you.

But that's enough ranting.

This is my last post as a BBA blogger. Of course, I will keep blogging, just not as part of the business school. If you would like to keep up with my life or if you just need something filler reading, you're more than welcome to continue reading here. Just save the web address. Thanks to everyone for keeping up with me this year. It makes me feel special, like I'm on the Real World or something. Only without the video cameras. And the scripted drama.

This is Denise, signing off... for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, how can I get involved with this, because I have a lot of things running through my head about business and my career and Id love to be part of the program.


10:09 AM  
Blogger Mashaal said...

can't wait to awkwardly say hi to you in hallways. ;)

good luck!

12:08 PM  

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