Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Watch the news, read the news, know the news.

I was going to write about my weekend, but that'll have to wait. In the meantime, if you don't already know about the shooting at Virginia Tech, dubbed "the deadliest school attack in U.S. history", you should find out what happened.

This is absolutely appalling, that someone would ever do such a thing. Is there really that much of a gaping, unattended, unrealized need for more love in this world that someone would go this far, to spend their time spreading chaos and unbearable sadness and even death? It's sickening and incredible and just downright evil... It's unbelievable - VT and the victims and their friends and their families and such an infinite number of people are each affected by this one largely stupid and twisted decision. I'll be keeping them all in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart.


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