Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I was spinning free...

Ahem. Well. This weekend was - uh - quite a trip.

San Antonio. Trinity University. The Riverwalk. COMPLETE CHAOS.

Ok, not really. But it was crazy. I went down to TU this weekend to visit a friend, and we ended up heading to the Riverwalk for a bit. Let me recount our adventure:
-Dinner at Chili's. I know what you're thinking - Chili's? Why? There are so many more interesting places to go on the Riverwalk. But I'll tell you why: we were hungry, and it was close. Voila. Not so interesting... whatever. But there was this kid sitting at the table across from us, smearing ice cream all over his face and crying like the dog chewed up dear Mr. Bugglesworth.
-Walking up and down the Riverwalk, being bombarded with offers to come and eat dinner at the "best restaurant on the river!" only a bazillion times. This one guy actually did convince us to go and actually look at the inside of the restaurant, though I don't know why we did that - we're so susceptible to the shameless flaunts of word-of-mouth advertising and whatnot. Oh well.
-Take a stroll down to the Alamo (of course). On our way there, we passed a group of teenagers, quite rowdy teens if I do say so myself. And for some reason, this one guy from the group stares directly at me and starts flailing his arms about, screaming "I KNOW WITCHCRAFT!!!" What. The. Hell. If anyone can explain this to me, I'm all ears.
-We get stopped by an accursed (!) stoplight just before crossing back to the parking garage. While waiting on the corner, a bum proceeds to offer my friend a quarter. Yes, that's right, people - the bum OFFERED US money. Weird.
-Also, I found out that the Riverwalk is a hotbed of Air Force (and other branches of the Service) men. Hmm...

So there was Friday night. Yep, all that just in Friday. Whoo! Saturday, I didn't do much. Even though we lost the basketball game, at least I'm allowed back home for Spring Break. My parents are hardcore Kansas University alumni/fans, and my mom told me that if Kansas lost against Texas that I shouldn't bother coming home over SB. (For clarification, I'm sure she said this all jokingly, but it still makes for a nice story.)

And now, it's time for my movie reviews. Here are the films I've seen recently, both on the silver screen and on DVD:

WILD HOGS: Allen, Lawrence, Macy, Travolta - an all-star comedic cast that can't go wrong! It's a great movie that guys and gals alike will enjoy - you've got the explosions and the machines making loud noises for the men, the sweet little twists of romance added in for the women. The best part about this movie is that it has achieved what so few movies can now-a-days: being hilarious without being excessively vulgar (in both language and content).

RENO 911!: MIAMI: Oh man. Where do I begin? Well, if you like stupid/lude humor, then this movie is definitely for you. I'm not going to lie; I laughed my face off watching this. There are scenes that make your sides hurt from laughing and imagining the pain. There are lines that make you squirm in disgust and discomfort. There are even some great cameos that will blow [up] your mind. A precaution though: "There's no 'immunity' to bullets." That is, the verbal/visual bullets in the movie that will leave you gasping for air.

CATCH AND RELEASE: If you caught word of this movie, you should definitely release that right now. Now, I enjoy a sweet, tear-jerking chick flick as much as the next person, but this one just didn't cut it. It lacked... substance. The script was there, the actors were there... but the emotion just didn't seem to come through. This was definitely no "Gone With The Wind".

THE NUMBER 23: February 3. 11:12 a.m. Pslams 23. One of the cursed numbers on TV's LOST. Okay, disregard that last part. The way this movie was put together was AMAZING. I loved the effect of the alternate storyline playing out like a detective comic. Sort of remniscent of Frank Miller's "Sin City", only not nearly as trippy. Plus, the basis of the story (the 23 enigma) is really intriguing. For anyone who likes mysteries or deeply thought-provoking situations, go see this movie. I give it a B+.

THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT: Yes, this is seriously the first time I've seen this movie. And I liked it pretty well. The concept was nothing new (time travel... yeah), but the characters were soooo awesome. They were all so complex and screwed-up, they were all so... human. Everyone had their flaws, their weaknesses that made them real. These guys stood out from a crowd of generic template characters that you see in a ton of mediocre movies, and it was great.

MARIE ANTOINETTE: Hmm. Well, I can see why it got some Oscar nods. All in all, it was a great piece of work. But... I wouldn't watch it twice. It was a little slow (as Victorian era settings are prone to be, in my opinion). Still, it's worth a watch - as are all the Oscar nominees - at least for the girls. Guys might not like it so much. Very chick-ish.

All right. I'm spent for the night. Bedtime.


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