Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Complete waste? Nah, we recycled.

Friday afternoon: Time for grocery shopping. Stocked up on everything from peanut butter to paper towels, plus some GS cookies (why are Samoas now called Caramel deLites?)
Friday night: Guitar Hero (how I've missed thee), closely followed by a 30-minute dance party and then an hour or so of "serious talk" - relationship stuff, mostly. Some of the good old "What are you going to do with your life?" type stuff, too.
Saturday afternoon: Sleep in WAY too late. Watch "Shallow Hal" and discuss its incredibility and how it will end - yeah, my friends and I know how to ruin pretty much any movie/TV show by talking about its flaws and misperceptions, yada yada. Then, it was China Buffet and some movin' to the groovin' courtesy of James Brown (you know... "Get up offa that thang, and dance 'til you feel betta!")
Sunday morning: IHOP. Enough said.
Sunday afternoon: You should know this one. It's Super Bowl Sunday... hm. What do you think I did? That's right - I watched LOST.
Sunday evening/night: Okay, so I did watch the football game. I made some queso and some friends ordered pizza/breadsticks/buffalo wings/cinnamon sticks/chicken tenders and everything! And all of that put together only cost us $27. Whoo!
Now: I'm going to start on my homework. If you haven't noticed, this entire recap hasn't involved a single class-related thing. That means I'm behind. So here I am, going to do my homework... finally... maybe after some Facebooking.


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