Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I didn't expect the unexpected "expecting".

Yesterday marks one of the strangest experiences I think I will ever have in my entire life. It was so stunning that I faltered quite a bit before realizing exactly what I was being accused of and its incredibility.
So, I'm minding my own business, just lounging around in my room and watching some LOST, when I hear someone coming up the stairs. Normally, someone coming up the stairs is no big deal. But this person seemed to be stomping. And you don't hear much stomping in this house. Well, about two seconds later, there's a quick couple of pounds on my door before it is thrown open and my mom stands there, looking at me with the most shocked look on her face.
Whoa. Hold the phones and take two steps back. What just happened? What prompted this really unexpected outburst? Because I can assure you that - unless I somehow have the gift to procreate asexually - I am not pregnant. Nor have I ever been pregnant. So... why did my mom ask? Well, as soon as I could even form the question in my head, she whips out a package from Similac addressed to one Denise Edgington and her expected arrival! They wish me well with my newborn and send their regards complete with samples of their baby formula. I explained that, no, I was not pregnant and no, I've got no flipping idea why they would send something to me. Honestly, this is one of the weirdest things that has ever happened. I mean, it's like a twenty-something year old guy getting a courtesy sample of Viagra sent to him and his [hopefully] nonexistant problem. Seriously, why the heck am I being sent baby formula? I may be expecting in like, ten years. But I'm pretty sure the formula wouldn't last until then.
Solicitors baffle me. Why sell/offer free samples of something to a person that doesn't want/need it? I don't want a free sample of baby formula because I have no need for it. My parents don't want to hear all about a fancy stainless steel knife set because they already have enough kitchen knives. You don't want an evangelist to talk you into their religion because you don't need another religion. So why waste your money and efforts just to waste my time?
Ah, well. The world doesn't always make sense. Tough, I guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha Denise that’s freaking hilarious! I laughed out loud for this one, might have even woken my roommate up. Lol, oh Denise I love you! :) You just made my day!


2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Denise. I'm pretty sure I got you pregnant that one night... don't even deny it.

And get your butt up to Austin. It means you'll be 4 hours closer when I come down for Spring Break!

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur pregnant? my condolences...

9:44 PM  

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