Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Ah, yes. Christmas break. Or - to be politically correct - Winter break. The simple time between semesters where one can relax, i.e. bum around your house (or someone else's house) all day, chatting it up with old friends and watching Scrubs re-runs, interrupting your own laziness only to go to work and make a few bucks that will inevitably be put toward some very cheap Christmas presents and/or textbooks for the next semester. Ah, don't you just love Winter Break?
It's exciting, seeing old friends. Sure, I "talk" to them all the time - this is the text-messaging and Facebook era. Still, nothing can replace actually seeing, hugging, actually talking to friends. Electronic messages have no emotion... "lol", "omg", "st*u" paired with little yellow emoticons and sent over the Internet can't compare with real-life laughter and surprise and, yes, even anger or annoyance. I like people so much more than the computerized versions of them.
Sure, Facebook has the psuedo-personal-contact feature of poking, but does that cut it? No! (Actually, I'm going to break off into a side topic here: Why does Facebook only feature pokes? Why isn't there a "hug" option? Why not a "slap" option? I'm gonna be honest - I would've used that one at least once, the "hug" at least a bazillion times. What's so special about "pokes", and why did the Facebook creaters pick that? Maybe I should start a Facebook group that advocates the addition of "hug" and "slap" and possibly other features. Maybe there already is one. Hm, I'll have to check on that.) But even a "hug" option wouldn't replace an actual hug from one of your loved ones.
Well, I'm off to work - it's my first day back at Starplex since 1985. Wait, that's not right...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the heck does st*u mean? is that a pokemon? I feel old ;_;

9:59 AM  

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