Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A perfect fit. Okay, maybe not perfect.

Haha. I did a wonderful job at updating when I promised, didn't I?
So, classes.
Those are interesting.
Okay, seriously. My classes aren't bad (that I know of yet). Granted, I have to wake up at an ungodly hour every morning. But that's just practice for the "real world", right? Maybe. Anyway, all my classes end by 10 a.m. MWF, and by 12:30 p.m. TTH. And that, my friends, is amazing. My school day ends before lunchtime. Italian class is going to be - ahem - quite a trip. My professor is sorta hilarious, but at the same time he inspires a fear in me worse than airplanes (I hate flying, okay?). Macroeconomics has been weird; got to class thinking I was supposed to havea certain professor, but it turns out it's someone completely different and a little hard to understand in lecture. Just perfect, considering I pretty much fail at economics. BA 324 seems like it's going to be a pretty nice class - I know a few kids in there from last semester, and the prof seems pretty down-to-earth. I guess only time will tell.
I still haven't had my first Child Psych class. That's tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that class is pretty fun.
In other news, the job search is on! I've raked through all of the part-time job listings on and applied to 15% of them. I've got an interview for one of my prime choices on Thursday. Whoo! Updated my resume, looked over all those interviewing techniques from last semester - I even went over my mock interview evaluation to see what I needed to fix. Hey, I know this little job isn't the most important thing I'm going to interview for in my life... but there's no time like the present to practice, eh?
New Year's Resolution: Get healthy. I'm already eating a little better, and my good friend Stephanie has been appointed as my own personal drill sergeant - she's going to make sure that I don't sit on my butt for any two or more days in a row, but that I run at least a mile every other day or do something else that is active. We're even going to make other people get active by playing frisbee or volleyball or racquetball, etc. at least once a week together. Yay for being healthy!
Anyway, that's all I've got. Except this wonderful tip of the day, brought to you by me:
Get your brain going with some good old fashioned knowledge. Like, read about current events. Or play some Sudoku. Figure out a Rubik's Cube. Learn a new word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in BA324 this semester tooooo. we'll get to suffer simultaneously...

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ew running. blech. volleyball's fun though. yay.

12:54 AM  

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