Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, March 26, 2007

'Tis the season to be stressed.

I've learned a lot over the past week. I've found out who people really are, what they really do, and what they really mean to me. I've found out a little bit more about myself too. It's even hit me that life really isn't as easy as I thought. I've come to so many overwhelming conclusions in the past week that I desperately want nothing more than to take a step backwards, to rewind my life and go back to a time when I was ignorant and didn't know any of these things.
Live and learn, right?
Alas, I'm not in the greatest of moods this week. Some of that is my own fault. I've got quite a load of work to get done this week, especially since I have two tests, one paper is due, and a project/presentation needs to be ready for Tuesday next week. When did college get so much harder? When did my classes jump from Level One: Training Mode to Level 99: The Final Ultra-Hard Boss that has literally one itsy-bitsy weakness that is nearly impossible to hit? Seriously, just recently did I really start to STRESS STRESS STRESS about school. But what's weird, is that even though I have all of this stuff to do and I really feel overwhelmed, I also DON'T feel overwhelmed at all... it's confusing. Let me explain. Even though school is about to throw the first strike at me, I don't really understand why I feel so helpless. The paper that's due this week? Done. The tests I have? Studied. And I do feel confident that I'm ready for them. So why do I still feel like this? Maybe it's because I don't feel well at all, and I've been sleeping a lot lately (naps really add up and take away the day fast). Maybe it's because I need to find an apartment this week, no questions asked. Maybe it's because I don't have a job and if I'm not doing homework then I feel like I'm wasting my day (even if there's not homework that needs to be done immediately).
There are a lot of things adding up to my stress. The school work, the apartment search, the finding out things about people that I didn't care to know or now wish that I didn't know. Oh, and one of my best friends is leaving for Iraq next week, and he won't be back until December. That doesn't help either.
I'm mostly just sick of school. Do you think anyone has come up with a cure for schoolsickness yet?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Denise. It gets easier. I think that you're just having a bad week so far. Also, that extra sleep really doesn't help. Granted sleep is a precious commodity in college, but too much is definitely a bad thing. When you look at things all at once, it does get quite overwhelming. Just look at the pieces and take things in one at a time. Then you'll be able to make sense of it all. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy by any means, but its a start. Life isn't easy, and if it was, where would the fun and rewarding parts be?

1:25 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

a cure? it's called: graduation

12:47 PM  

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