Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

start to finish.

Why hello, dear Blog. I have not seen you in quite some time! My fault, I know.

*Sigh* My life in the past two weeks = not exciting. Let's recap:

Registered for classes. That is seriously one of the most stressful things to do in the world. Got into all classes except speech, which I'm thoroughly confused about - every one of the 20+ speech classes were closed... what?!

Got a B on an Econ test. Fantastic, and such a relief.

Need at least an 87 on next Psych test to avoid the final.

Had a birthday (thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!) Went to Spaghetti Warehouse with friends(pictures below). Hung out and swung to some Sinatra. We also played Pretty Pretty Princess.

Watched "In the Land of Women" and "Grindhouse" (but I might have already mentioned "Grindhouse"). Movie reviews coming soon.

Created a 10-minute dialogue between three people in Italian w/partners. Fun fun fun.

Dropped my cell phone.

Studied for hours, and hours, on end.

Forgot to buy an umbrella in preparation for the rainy week ahead.

Took a nap by the Turtle Pond on an amazingly beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Organized my LIFE.

Read a few books. _The Alchemist_ by Paulo Coelho, _shopgirl_ by Steve Martin, and _Oh, the Places You'll Go!_ by Dr. Seuss (great book!)

Spazzed out about the week ahead (Italian speaking exam, Business presentation, Psych test, etc.)

Took lots of deep breaths and recovered from that last thought.

POSSIBLE SPOILERS/PERSONAL THEORIES AHEAD FOR GREY'S (skip the next few lines if you don't wanna know):
Watched Grey's Anatomy and discussed possible cliffhangers for the season finale, including: Unknown "bad thing" happening to Cristina just before the wedding, causing Burke to believe that she left him hanging. Burke leaving Cristina at the alter in a cruel twist of fate. Callie moving to a different hospital instead of George. A helicopter crashing directly in front of the hospital and directly on top of McDreamy for being such a jerk to Meredith. Wait, that one was ER.


Found out that Veronica Mars is returning on Tuesday. Flipping sweet!!!

Bought tickets for a midnight showing of Spiderman 3 at the Alamo Drafthouse.

Dropped my cell phone again.

Excited about First Thursday and an amazing adventure on S. Congress.

Realized the inevitable - procrastination will set in, esp. Tuesday night at 8 p.m.

Okay, with all that being said, I am going to post some pictures, then curse the fact that grass pollen is thick in the air, then praise the Lord for the great weather (ironic? whatever). Here's some fun pictures from my birthday expedition to Spaghetti Warehouse and another trip to Kerbey Lane, with taglines.

the kerbey lane queso story: death by college students.

key lime pie is amazing.

me and steph being silly and taking pictures upside-down.

just before heading to dinner...

spaghetti warehouse!!!

more spaghetti warehouse!

waitress, to me: oh my god, i love your dress! it makes me want to shave my legs!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! queso and crazy/loud waitress = fun!

12:34 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

I hate registration too! It's horrible...

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see your blog! I was beginning to worry about you. Hope you had a great birthday!
Mrs. Smith

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see your blog! I was beginning to worry about you. Hope you had a great birthday!
Mrs. Smith

9:26 PM  

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