Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, well. Congratulations, Denise. You slept half of Sunday away, and you didn't get hardly any shut-eye for today. Monday. Mean, mean Monday. At least you did your homework.

I'm very tired right now, to say the least. Getting up this morning was a major accomplishment in my eyes. Not that I stayed up late doing homework or anything - I was definitely just catching up on the past two weeks of Heroes. Another lesson learned: don't sacrifice sleep for a TV show. Ever. But Heroes was pretty amazing, I must say. Kristen Bell has finally shown up, and her character is sure as hell a bad guy. This'll be quite a change, watching Bell in the bad guy's role instead of the sassy sleuth on Veronica Mars. Exciting!

Anyway, this past week was eventful. The UT-Nebraska game was pretty awesome after the 3rd quarter. Jamaal Charles is my football hero for running 86-yards for a TD. Yay! I went to a friend's birthday bash - complete with costumes. The party was themed, "Ninjas, Pirates, and Lumberjacks", so naturally everyone dressed accordingly. I (with the help of some dear, dedicated friends) put together one kick-ass pirate outfit... I even handed out little gold coins all night (I told people that the person with most coins at the end of the night would get to go to the "Hidden Temple" for a chance to put together the Silver Monkey). While I was on campus on Friday, I overheard a very, very scandalous conversation, which I will NOT repeat here.

All you Grey's fans out there... wasn't last week's episode absolutely FANTASTIC?! I loved it. I can't wait for this week's.

Wait, I won't see it this week. Dang! I'll just have to record it. Instead of watching Grey's this week, I'll be going to see Frank Warren of PostSecret giving a lecture. If you don't know what PostSecret is, check it out. Someone was seriously thinking outside the box when they came up with this, and I'm gonna find out why on Thursday.

That's all from me for now. Keep your eyes peeled for a super-ultra-mega-movie reviews post coming soon!


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