Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


After a two month hiatus, I'm back, loyal readers! Hold your applause, please, until this episode of my life has wrapped up... then, clap to your heart's content.

So what've I been up to that has been keeping me away from my precious blog? Not much, really. I just got a bit lazy and stopped writing for a while. I had a wonderful winter break at home with my family and some old friends, and I even made a few extra bucks working at the theater even though I had basically sworn off that place for life... eh, things change. The extra cash was nice while it lasted.

School has started again, and I'm trudging through my classes - this is my last semester for Italian, statistics is - so far - only a review of what I did in high school, accounting is becoming more and more incomprehensible (and I'm not alone in thinking so), and my two MIS classes are surprisingly my favorite courses. That being said, since I enjoy MIS and it's a relatively prosperous career field, I have declared MIS as my second major (in addition to Business Honors).

Another major development: I've decided to study abroad next spring. At this time, I'm pretty much set on Thailand (sorry Mom). I considered Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, and Scotland also; the b-school doesn't offer a program in Ireland, and the other three's spring semesters span February to June/July, which just won't fly since I need to intern that summer. But then we look at Thailand: the b-school offers a great program (complete w/courses taught in English), it spans the same time as a semester here at UT (January to May), it's cheap, there are lots of scholarships offered, it'll stand out on a resume more than a semester abroad in Western Europe, and it's guaranteed to be one extreme experience. I'll deal with the food, I'm already used to a similar climate, and I won't be the only study abroad student there (Thammasat takes approx. 500 abroad students each semester... I think). So I signed up, but I can change my mind since I'm not going until the spring...

This past week has been rather... stressful, shall we say? I had two tests last week, two tomorrow morning, and then accounting next week (which will require a week's worth of studying all on it's own). Lovely timing, ain't it?

Ah, but I'm managing. I still get my free time and enough sleep. Plus, I'm not sick, which is amazing (*knocks on wood*).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem with Thailand! I just had to get used to the idea. Hope your tests went well. Yes, please, major in something lucrative, that's the plan Dad and I have for retirement---you will make boatloads of money and share it with us:) Love ys, Mom

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I got on the wrong keys again. Love ya, Mom

6:27 PM  
Blogger christhecousin said...

Thailand is good - should be very fun, exciting, yet comfortable. There are language differences of course; you could perfect a European language for future job prospects, OR have a more adventuresome experience, but you'll never really "fit in" in Thailand (unless you secretly already speak it). The world is yours. My time abroad was the best time of my life (so far). I will visit no less than three (3) times, wherever.

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hulk SMASH!!!

2:00 AM  

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