Here's Looking at You, Kid.

Here's to sophomore year. Here's to long nights of studying - or finding excuses to not study. Here's to far too many disoriented blogs filled with incessant ramblings of a slightly detatched mind. Here's looking at you, kid. Cheers.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This is it.

Think about it.

Fifty-thousand students. One-thousand student organizations. Fifty fraternities and sororities. Forty acres of methodical chaos. Twelve different schools and colleges. The number one party school in America (as named by the Princeton Review).

And there's only one of you.

It's easy to get lost in the madness here at the University of Texas.

But still, you try to play things cool, pretending to know exactly where to find the UTC, or the quirky vintage shops, or even the best dining in town. Still, you go with the flow in effort to be seen as an apt and weathered veteran of the university and the city itself.

The funny thing is, at UT, there is no constant flow. You dive into the crowd, hoping to God that you're headed toward the Co-op or Java City or the Union or just back to Jester, when suddenly you find yourself being jerked in a hundred different directions at once. You feel like you're being ripped limb from limb by a pack of ravaging coyotes (which is actually just the 1,000 student organizations each pouncing on you with flyers and membership spiels). You go to bed at night, hoping to find your peace of mind buried somewhere beneath the mountains of new information you learned and acquaintances you made that day; and you pray that you remember it all in the morning. You think to yourself, "Why is this all so hectic, so confusing, so downright frightening?"

Well, my friends, there is a simple answer as to why all of this not-so-simple hysteria is happening to you - but you're not the only one. Millions of others around the globe are being put to this same intensely intimidating test. We're all carrying maps to class and learning our ways around campus. We're all starting to save coupons and crap change in anticipation of those days we'll have to scrounge for food. We're all just as worried about whether or not we'll make friends quickly. You are not alone on this convoluted journey into newfound independence and responsibilities. Even if it seems a little scary at first, there are many more lined up beside you, just as apprehensive as you are about the raging collegiate battle ahead. This is most definitely an insane and perplexing yet incredible experience all rolled into one, dropped like a ticking time-bomb into your lap.

This is college life as a freshman.